Welcome to Virginia American Water’s Hopewell Page

About Your Water System

Virginia American Water serves about 9,300 residential, commercial and industrial customers (connections) in our Hopewell District, which includes the City of Hopewell, portions of Prince George County and Fort Lee.  

The source of supply for Hopewell’s drinking water is the Appomattox River, near the confluence with the James River. There’s a lot of industry in Hopewell. In fact, most of our local industry are our neighbors at the water treatment plant. For that reason, we’re in touch on a regular basis and we work together to protect the source of your drinking water from accidents. Read more about source water protection in Hopewell.

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Our intake pipe and pump house on the Appomattox River are located near the Hopewell Marina. About 21 million gallons of water pass through the intake pipe and pump house each day. The water is pumped to the Virginia American Water treatment plant in Hopewell, about 1.3 miles away, where it goes through a complex treatment process that first involves flocculation and sedimentation to remove dirt particles. The water next goes through a filtration process that removes even the smallest particles. After the water is disinfected and treated to refine water quality, it travels through 179 miles of water main pipe to get to the homes and businesses we serve.  

Virginia American Water conducts more than 4,000 tests every year to ensure that your water is high quality and meets all federal and state standards. 

Given all that goes into treating water and getting it to your home, water service is an exceptional value at about a penny a gallon!

History of Hopewell System

Investments in the Hopewell System