
Health & Wellness

We encourage our employees and their families to pursue healthier living habits and support them in maintaining better lifestyles.

Launched in 2010, our award-winning Healthy Solutions program gives members access to a dedicated website where employees and their families can participate in a free, confidential health assessment, and get tools and tips about health, fitness, safety, stress, and weight management.


Healthy Solutions keeps employees engaged by changing and expanding its services each year. For example, in 2014, seven new programs and challenges were introduced including the Gr8 Fruits and Veggie Challenge, Choose Safety Challenge and Healthy Numbers – Healthy Values, a program in which participants receive Wellness Credits for maintaining or improving their biometric screening results. Our employees and their family members can take advantage of Healthy Solutions to make a real difference to their lives.

The mental wellbeing of our people is just as important to us as their physical condition. If a crisis or accident occurs at the workplace, our employee assistance program (EAP) provides immediate intervention, through counseling support for groups and individuals from a mental health professional. If the stress is not work-related, Healthy Solutions coaches help employees recognize and manage stress in their lives through our Stress Management Learning Center.