Emergency charitable grant program to support American Water employees during times of need.

American Water employees work hard every day to provide safe, clean, reliable water and wastewater services to customers. Occasionally, one of our own employees is impacted by an unforeseen situation, such as a natural disaster or family emergency.  To assist in providing support to employees during times of need, the American Water Charitable Foundation is pleased to offer the American Water Employee Crisis Fund.

Established in 2018 for the exclusive benefit of American Water employees, the program is funded by the American Water Charitable Foundation and American Water employees. Per IRS guidelines, eligibility and application criteria is purely based on financial need.  Employees must be experiencing unexpected financial hardship due to one of four qualifying events:

1.  Natural disasters (e.g. wildfire, tornado or earthquake damage to primary residence)

2.  Life threatening or serious illness or injury (not a substitute for medical insurance, medical documentation required)

3.  Death incidents (employee, spouse or eligible dependent)

4.  Catastrophic or extreme circumstances (e.g. house fire, robbery, domestic abuse or another reportable crime)

The fund is administered nationwide by the Community Foundation of New Jersey (CFNJ) who independently review applications, determine eligibility, and provide grant awards.  American Water employees may visit CFNJ to learn more, apply for assistance, or donate to the fund.  CFNJ is also available to provide confidential assistance and answer questions: (973) 267-5105.

For general questions, please contact