American Water Contract Services Group (CSG) proudly partners with the City of Camden to provide water and wastewater services to the community. The City’s water supply serves all City residents west of the Cooper River, excluding East Camden and Cramer Hill.
At American Water, providing safe, reliable water service is our top priority. In July 2021, the state of New Jersey enacted legislation for all water providers to share with customers the material of the utility-owned service lines leading to their properties and the material of the customer-owned service lines leading to their properties, if known. It also requires utility companies to replace utility-owned and customer-owned lead service lines within the next ten years.
Please note if your service lines contain lead, it does not mean you cannot use water as you normally do. Your water continues to meet water quality standards. The company regularly tests for lead in drinking water and our water meets state and federal water quality regulations, including those set for lead. For added protection and to comply with the new legislation, we will be removing lead and lead/galvanized piping from service lines over time.
To date, CSG in partnership with the City:
- Developed the LSL inventory in 2021 by verifying multiple different City records
- Sent out notices to customers, accordingly
- Engaged with a subcontractor to verify approximately 3,500 premises that were presumed to be non-lead
- Continues to provide yearly LSL inventory updates to the NJDEP
- Actively engages in communication with the City on next steps and EPA via the Lead Service Line Replacement Accelerators program
- EPA is collaborating with state partners in a new water technical assistance initiative called Lead Service Line Replacement Accelerators. EPA and four state partners are working with 40 communities to address existing barriers and accelerate progress towards LSL identification and replacement. For more information on the EPA’s accelerator program, click here.